
Step OUT, Step IN, Step UP

"We love because He first loved us." 1 John 4:19

Returning this time is going to be different- we will be going back with a specific purpose! And thankfully our hearts have been united in purpose! Not only did the kids leave an impression on our hearts so did the women of the village and slums that Sozo visits and has relationships with. After much prayer and refection our hearts are bursting with love to share that we are returning to help start a women’s ministry with the ladies in the village, and eventually a self-sustainability project with them.  In a perfect world Sozo wouldn't exist because families would be able to care for their children and there would be no orphans-- so our hope is the widows and single mothers would be able to make enough money a week through this outreach to provide for their families.

Our plan includes working with the women in the village 2 days a week to begin. That will increase over time as God begins to make a footprint in their lives. One day a week, we have been invited to also volunteer in the burn victim hospital loving on the families while waiting for their children to get out of surgery. We will also be our kids' school one day a week helping out the teachers where needed. Of course we will be spending time at each of the Sozo houses helping with chores, cooking, loving on our kids, helping with homework, leading devotions… every day life with them! We will share one off day a week which will be Mondays, where we will take time to study, research, rest, and relax.

"Pure and genuine religion in the sight of God the Father means caring for orphans and widows in their distress and refusing to let the world corrupt you." James 1:27

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