Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Last Stateside update

Our hearts are so full of joy this week!  …. We fly out this coming Sunday and it’s Christmas week! We get to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ, the most precious & perfect gift ever given, by the greatest gift-giver of all, our wonderful God and Father! Truly thinking about this makes us so excited that we will soon get to share this gift with the beautiful women of Uganda! We can’t wait to form relationships with the women of Ngongolo Village and share with them the good news of who Jesus is and what He has done in our lives. We can’t wait to show them God’s love and share with them the meaning of hope!!! 

Two days after arriving in Uganda we will be joining our kids on December 31st as they look beyond the walls of their home and into the surrounding community, delivering food and life essentials to families in need. This "Family to Family" campaign with Sozo Children allows families on this side of the world to reach families in Uganda who would otherwise be without. The Sozo kids are eager to go into villages and slums to give life essentials and share the Gospel with these families. We are looking forward to sharing this experience with them as they learn the beauty of giving and sharing their faith. After all, you don’t need a reason to serve others. Just reach out and give, love, and serve— this is how Jesus lived! If you would like to meet the physical and spiritual needs of one family in Uganda this Christmas season you can donate on Sozo’s webpage at www.sozochildren.org

Can you imagine walking through acres and acres of land with huts made of sticks and mud and the kids of Sozo handing the family who lives there a “Christmas gift” full of hygiene items and cheer?! This experience (which we could not be more excited about) will be our first blog post from Uganda! You won’t want to miss the pictures and stories that come from this day of giving. We are believing it will be one of the most memorable experiences we will take part in during this journey!

The Lord is so faithful to provide through the hearts of so many friends and families. We want to thank each and every one of you for your generosity and encouragement throughout this time of preparation. This opportunity could not be 5 days in front of us without your support and prayers. We are so grateful for you and what you mean to us! 

Please keep us in your prayers this week as we spiritually and emotionally prepare for this mission. We are savoring these last days with family and are soaking up as much American food and community as we can. Sunday will most likely be an emotional day for both us and our families so if you would lift us all up in prayer we would greatly appreciate it! 

“There is something wonderfully sacred that happens when a girl chooses to look past being set aside to see God’s call for her to be set apart.” — Lysa TerKeurst 

We love you all!

Amanda & Chelsie