Friday, April 17, 2015

Power in Numbers

Update from Uganda!

"May the God who gives endurance and encouragement give you a spirit of unity among yourselves as you follow Christ Jesus. So that with one heart and mouth you may glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ." Romans 15:5-6

We have shared many special and powerful days with the women's group these past few weeks! Our friends Bradley Haywood and Katie McElroy recently came to Uganda with Sozo and were able to spend two days at the women's ministry with us. One day they gave their testimonies, sharing how Christ has changed their lives. It was great to see the women engaged and relating to parts of their stories! Having our friends see and be a part of where our hearts are was so special to us. Since we had extra help those two days, we all got to lay hands on and pray for each of our ladies individually. The Thursday before Good Friday we celebrated communion with the women. Not only did we break bread with them but we also prayed over each woman again. We had asked if anyone wanted to accept Christ, we would love to pray with them. A woman and our friend named Jane came forward. Jajja Jane, who is about 70 years old (and cares for her 4 grandchildren alone), has been attending the bible study since day one. To share in that moment when she asked Jesus to be her Savior was truly amazing!! 

Over the past weeks after praying for our women we have learned that many of them suffer from illnesses, pains in their bodies, extreme poverty, houses being burned down, not having money for school fees and sick children.

We had a smaller group Monday, due to rain, so we decided to change up our program for the day (we were planning to go through each book of the New Testament). We had praise and worship and then prayed for specific prayer requests. We decided as a group to go and visit 3 of our women at their homes who were extremely sick. These women had not been to the group in over a month. It was a powerful afternoon walking through the bush with about 50 women wanting to show love for another. The Holy Spirit was alive at each of the houses we stopped to pray at. Our women are prayer warriors!!!

We ask that you continue praying for our women's ministry as we introduce our first sustainability project to them next week. We will update you as soon as it goes live!! We are so thankful to be at this point in the journey and we thank you for your prayers! 

Love from Uganda,

Amanda & Chelsie

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