Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Paper beads change lives.

"In everything I did, I showed you that by this kind of hard work we must help the weak, remembering the words the Lord Jesus himself said: 'It is more blessed to give than to receive.' 
Acts 20:35

God knew what He was doing much more than us when he sent Amanda & I to Uganda to help give the families of a rural village a chance at self-sustainability. Our hearts have longed to help these people in such a way that they learn a skill, something long-term that will provide income for their families. You see, income in the “bush” is rare. There are not many jobs being offered other than working in a garden growing crops aka “digging.” It involves long days, back pain, hard work, and little money—about $1 per day.

So last week during our Monday and Thursday gatherings with the women in the village we announced this upcoming opportunity, which was learning a new skill and being a part of a special project. Without yet knowing a payout is involved the response was overwhelming. Grandmothers, mothers, and daughters joyfully started shouting Amen and yelling catcalls with gigantic smiles on their faces. To them, this meant a chance… a chance at learning something new, a chance at getting their minds off their daily struggles, a chance at providing for their family, a chance at getting their children in school, a chance at not having to worry if there would be any dinner to be cooked on the open fire each night.

Thanks to our supporters we have been purchasing the necessary materials the last few weeks in order to make this first sustainability project happen. It’s a crazy thought but the majority of jewelry here is made from paper beads, which consist of paper rolled up tightly in a very skilled way. In order to get the specific size of paper strips needed we spent hours cutting this special kind of paper in exact dimensions on paper cutters.

After recruiting one of our Sozo house mothers, Maama Maggie, to join us we did our normal 35 minute bumpy drive down the red dirt roads into Ngongolo Village. But this time something was different. I was reminded how we got here to this point. Since January we had longed to get to this step with the women’s ministry. We knew we needed to ease into it and be assured the women were coming for the right reasons, not to receive gifts from us “mzungus”. Every bump we bounced I was reminded of how much we left at home- our jobs, houses, families, friends, best friends’ weddings & baby births, and so much more. But as strange as it may sound it now does not seem to hurt as bad to have left these for what is now at our fingertips. A chance to help the forgotten, the unloved, the poorest of the poor…just to make a difference, an impact for these women we have loved dearly for years. This is what has weighed so heavily on our hearts for more than a year. The time is here.

Yesterday Maama Maggie, being her perfectionist self, slowly taught the 112 women who came for training. What a site! There has never been such chitter chatter amongst the ladies. The ladies came energized- hyper in way like I have never seen them. They were excited, they were thankful, they were ready to soak in some knowledge! Maggie showed them each step of how to roll a bead. It was much like a kindergarten class with women everywhere reaching out their hand filled with beads they had rolled to get Maggie’s approval. It was chaos in the best way- a beautiful mess.  She thoroughly examined the beads giving pointers for continued improvement or in some cases giving her disapproval with an explanation.

Thursday is another day of training and on Monday the project will be in full bloom. We are anxious but at the same time confident in these women. Next week we will share with them that the bracelets/necklaces they are making (over the next month) will be sold to our American friends/families and in turn these ladies will be paid for their hard work. When the time comes for this announcement I will be sure to have my earplugs in because there is sure to be much hootin and hollerin!!!

To many the pictures may look like nothing special. But for us it was everything. Everything we had longed for…for over a year. We certainly didn’t know how things would play out with this ministry we came to Uganda to start. We didn’t know their language, we didn’t know their situation, we didn’t know their interest, we didn’t know how or when. We just knew this was the call placed on our lives and that it had to happen.

Because of the generous donations from special supporters over the last 6 months the hearts of 112 women are happy this week. You are providing an opportunity for a group of poor, like you have never seen, that is lighting up their faces, their children’s faces, and especially their futures. This skill they have learned will empower the women of Ngongolo Village to generate a profit of their own to support their families. So there will never be enough thank yous or enough pictures to show you the impact you are making across the world.

Continue to be with us in prayer for endurance as this 5th and final (for now) month approaches, wisdom as we continue to lead spiritually, discernment as we share with the women the financial incentive, and unity as we come together as 112 sisters in Christ to make a dream come true.

Made for MORE,

Chelsie & Amanda

Two of our babies, Bushila and Yonah, who were great little helpers keeping things under control at bead training. (note: Yonah happily toting his mommy's Bible for her). 

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