Tuesday, October 6, 2015

They are flourishing!

I planted the seed, Apollos watered it, but God has been making it grow. So neither the one who plants nor the one who waters is anything, but only God, who makes things grow.  
1 Corinthians 3:6-7

Sozo Women’s Ministry is flourishing....

Sitting under the trees listening to her preach about Ruth made me realize that prayers were being answered! I sat in awe of God and how He works. Our ladies were becoming leaders!

Coming back to Uganda this time, we had prayers for our women to rise up, be bold and to lead each other and that is exactly what has been happening this past month.  Our translator Dorah has been on and off attending the ministry the past several weeks because of a family issue.  Chelsie and I were nervous the first day without her, wondering how we would communicate since only a handful can speak and understand a small amount of English. God knew exactly what we would do.  He gave our women the confidence needed to create a praise and worship team and the boldness for Justine to stand up before everyone to give a word! We had been teaching about women of the bible the past few meetings and Justine asked if she could share about Ruth.  Even though I couldn’t understand her (except for the small amount of words I know in Luganda) I could hear the passion in her voice and could see the other ladies eyes locked on her, listening and engaging in conversation.  It was a moment I will forever remember!  I was proud and thanked God for her!

After bible study that day I asked another lady, Fatumah, if she wanted to co-lead with me the next meeting. She said YES!! We decided we would teach on Psalm 67. Last Monday, Fatumah and I lead bible study together. Since Dorah was back that day, I was able to understand what she was saying. It was beautiful!

It keeps getting better…. A few of our younger ladies who know English have stepped up too.  A young woman named Resty, a daughter of one of the women, and new to the group, didn’t hold back from helping when we needed her. Chelsie was leading that day and Dorah wasn’t able to attend.  Resty said she would help translate so bible study could keep going that day. Chelsie said it was a truly amazing day seeing the 19 year old stand before 50 women translating with boldness and ease. Resty is now the proud owner of her first English bible.

Monday I co-led with another lady, continuing our discussion about women of the bible.  Join us in prayer for our ladies to have the courage & boldness to want to stand before our group and share the love of Christ! I love this group and thank God for placing me right here right now!

Love to you all,
Amanda & Chelsie

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