Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Something Bigger!

"Jesus replied, you don’t understand what I’m doing now, but someday you will." 
John 13:7

God has definitely brought them! The first two weeks of the women’s bible study has been truly amazing. 60 woman are now joining us every Monday and Thursday for praise & worship and to learn God’s Word.

Last week we were able to distribute Luganda Bibles to about 20 of the women and have placed an order for another 50 to come in soon! …. A moment we will never forget because it was many of the women’s first time to own and open a Bible! Something hard to fully understand because the majority of the women are Christians but have not had the money to purchase a Bible of their own. The cheers of delight, clapping, and huge smiles as they held tightly to their bibles is hard to put into words.  We knew we had to start very basic so the women were split into groups and Auntie Dorah led them through reading (in Luganda) all the books of the Bible. The women quickly started to learn how to find each book in the old and new testament!  Our next step is to teach a basic summary of each book of the old testament (which we began Monday). It will be a slow process as the amount of information these women are hearing for the first time can be overwhelming for them. 
Meet Harriet...she received her first Bible!!

Something we are not complaining about is that we are constantly on the hunt to purchase and bring more mats to each meeting and the fact we can't keep up with all the new faces. We have about 25 of the women’s names with faces memorized, so we have decided to get official name tags to make it a little easier for us.

With such a larger group than we had expected already, at just week 3, we are in awe of the Lord's plans for Nnongolo Village, as well as the sustainability project to come for these women. Please pray for clarity and discernment as we move forward.

With Love,
Amanda & Chelsie

1 comment:

  1. Prayers for you both (and the women of Nnongolo village)! So proud of y'all.
