Saturday, January 10, 2015

Joy running deep

“However, I consider my life worth nothing to me; my only aim is to finish the race and complete the task the Lord Jesus has given me—the task of testifying to the good news of God’s grace.”
Acts 20:24

 We had another incredible and amazing week! Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday we spent most of the day doing education and the helping the kids write letters for their sponsors at each of the houses.  Sometimes getting these teenagers and younger kids to sit down and learn on their holiday break can be a struggle but once you get them going they do so well and are so smart!

Chelsie and I can both say our highlights of the week came the day we went into the slums and passed out the life essentials bags and shared Christ to families in need.  There were many moments that day which will forever be in our hearts….

I first met George last year in Kabalagala and knew there was something special about him. George’s spirit is unlike any other child that I have met here. After playing ball with him for over an hour I was told he was deaf. Needless to say there was no barrier with communication, we understood each other….we were having the best time and it was pure joy.  When we arrived at George and his sister Eva’s house this past Thursday I was so excited to see them! I immediately showed George the pictures we had taken last year. Seeing his smile and knowing he recognized me was such an amazing feeling.  George and Eva also both had their teddy bear on the bed, which Chelsie and her sister had given to them back in August.  So sweet! Once we gave his family an essentials bag, George sat in the middle of our group and started to pray!!! Even though we didn’t understand his signing, we could feel the presence of God in that room.  God was alive in him! Chelsie and I had a hard time holding it together : ) It was truly a moment we will remember forever.

Joan is a 16 year old girl we met in the slums. As we entered her home, we were immediately welcomed with a huge smile. Joan said she went to church on occasion but wanted to learn more.  She read along with me as I read her passages from the Bible on God’s love, forgiveness and hope.  Daudi, our Ugandan leader, asked her if she had accepted Christ as her Lord and Savior, she said no but was ready to! To witness this 16 year girl so thirsty for Christ and accepting him that day brought tears to all of our eyes. We will be going back to visit Joan soon to give her her very own and first Bible.  

The Children
Chelsie and I were led to a group of houses where 7 women and about 15 children were gathered. We gave them a couple of essentials bag and asked them how we could pray for them. They were all new believers and were so excited to have us there to pray over them. Chelsie and I immediately laid hands and prayed for each of these beautiful women’s individual needs. One woman needed prayer for her business of making clothes. She wanted customers in order to be able to send her children to school. Another needed healing in her stomach. It’s amazing how God can work through you and give you the exact words when needed.  The next thing we knew, all the kids had lined up to receive prayer. Kneeling down and holding these children’s hands and praying over their precious bodies was a moment where I know the Holy Spirit was so alive in us. Most of the kids could not understand us, but I have no doubt they also felt the presence of God.  As we finished the women started dancing, shouted Hallelujah and started singing as loud as they could. “I’m so glad that Jesus set me free” What an amazing song! We are all free indeed!!

God made it known to us that day, we belong here and made it so evident that we are a vessel for His good works!

Beach day fun
On Friday we got to experience a joyous day at the beach! A generous Sozo supporter wanted the kids to be able to get out and play so they donated for all the Sozo children to be able to go to a local beach on Lake Victoria for the day.  We don’t think the kids stopped laughing and smiling all day long! The day started with the kids getting all dressed up for the van ride (because it’s such a day to celebrate!) followed by a fun day in the sun with devotion, games, swimming, dancing, eating and then more swimming.  Seeing our kids so happy makes us happy! God is so great!

Another busy week ahead with some adventures we are really looking forward to experiencing and updating you on soon! Thanks for the prayers!

Much Love,
-Amanda & Chelsie

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